We manage the whole event

Great tailor-made events
Samarcanda’s expertise in tourist entertainment is expressed in the ability to conceive, produce, plan and create original formats for major tourism events and more. The event entrusted to Samarcanda is managed from the point of view of conception (concept, project and implementation) but also technical-logistic, directorial and artistic.
Production Center of Varese
After the needs analysis, the projecting Samarcanda writes and designs the show for the client and takes care of its production through the internal departments (costume design, scenography, artistic cast, …).
The event is written, managed and produced in the Varese Production Center, equipped with scenography workshops, tailoring creations, creation of multimedia contents and assets and authorial support.
2019 in figures
Artists Cast

Our performers
To cover the required performances, including theaters of holiday resorts and major tourism and non-tourism events, Samarcanda has more resident artistic cast at its disposal. Samarcanda artistic castings are normally composed of 10-12 elements, equally distributed between the dance troupe and singers, under the guidance of an artistic director.
The variety of Samarcanda productions requires versatility in the terpsichoreus context to all its members and singers with different ranges and vocal timbres.
To maintain the high quality of its artistic cast, Samarcanda annually organizes from 10 to 12 auditions in various Italian cities, aimed at performers of various kinds.
Samarcanda also promotes scholarships for talents in dance and singing and boasts prestigious partnerships with important academies and schools of dance, singing and musicals.
Show design
Samarcanda selects and trains the pool of professionals who work on the construction, decoration and painting of the sets necessary for its productions in special academies in the sector .
All the sets are created in the Samarcanda headquarters in Varese by the team of set designers, who subsequently take care of the installation in the theaters of the performances.
Event craftsmen

Samarcanda tailoring

A production network
The Samarcanda headquarters is equipped with a design center for all the costumes necessary for Samarcanda productions.
The sketches are designed internally in collaboration with the group or author that deals with the writing of the shows. Each year the Samarcanda tailor’s shop designs around 360 stage costumes.
The production of the costumes and the distribution are entrusted to a network of specialized local tailors, who create the most sophisticated creations conceived by the Varese design center, each according to its own segment of excellence.
The in-house tailoring at the Varese design center also takes care of the maintenance of the entire costume and repairs.
Art and innovation
The ability to design and install traditional scenographies is linked, in Samarcanda, to the continuous search for new technologies applied to the direction and to the scenographic apparatus. In Samarcanda the use of digital technologies is increasingly widespread for the creation of immersive scenic environments (eg: three-dimensional digital backdrops, advanced mapping) or virtual (eg: holograms).
Even in the costumes the use of high-impact technological elements applied to the costumes of the ballet is increasingly frequent .
For its productions Samarcanda widely uses LEDs and new representation technologies that offer infinite scenic variations, whose live management is programmable by the director.
Technological research on the show

Samarcanda video experiences
@ Conflavoro Forum IEL 2019
@ TTG Travel Experience 2019
@ Grimaldi (Barcellona)
@ Castellaneta Marina (TA)
@ Castellaneta Marina (TA)
@ Villasimius (SU)